November 7, 2010

"I am powerful"

To encourage women's fellow support of one another worldwide, developed a series of advertisements showing diverse women and the message "I am powerful." These images can be seen especially in airports where people from various parts of the world coincide in an area heavy with advertising. The  simple construct of the ad is extremely "powerful" to me for its blatant message and un-photoshopped depiction of a real woman. 

The advertisement makes one think about what it means to be powerful by being the direct opposite of what a normal "powerful" ad is. There is no muscular man or weapon, or sexually hyped woman in the image and the juxtaposition of normalcy with the word powerful may cause people to ponder how this seemingly unimportant person is powerful. I find this series of ads very beautiful for its raw content. The idea "nothing sells like celebrity" is challenged by these ads and they are powerful for this very reason, they counteract the norm.

To embody the very "product" these advertisements sell is what I feel make the ads so strong. Rather than trying to deceive viewers or consumers with a taunt to the senses, these ads show a part of reality. Simplicity and honesty goes a long way when looking for support. The exclusion of a celebrity is what i find powerful. It provides irony to a message often tied with someone of wealth or stereotypical beauty. I think people are drawn to these ads because they are different and it creates a feeling of curiosity and appreciation for something new. These emotions the ads create help sell the idea of coming together to end poverty, by drawing not only the viewer's eyes but also the heart.